Nuki Smart Lock 2.0 - support all available API actions (i.e. add lock/unlock)

You try to unlock manually and then open the door ?
I just tried to do it two or three times successfully and then the following manual unlock and opening the door drives to this problem.
When it runs, the card is updated very fast.

Tell me what you do exactly, how much time you wait between each try.

Unlock-manual, delay, open-door, delay, retry from the beginning? fill the delay with a number. :slight_smile:

When I unplug the bridge, I have not this problem (door sensor jammed) so I donā€™t believe it is a physical door sensor problem.

without the bridge you donā€™t have that warning? weirdā€¦

I donā€™t have that warning, with the bridgeā€¦

anyway, I donā€™t think the problem is in the code of the Cardā€¦do you want to try to go back to the Template Switch instead of the Template Lock switch?

Ok, I just tried a new sequence: open, close, open, close, a lot of timeā€¦ waiting only a couple of seconds to have status door updated on the card, without any unlock/lock. No problem ! So it seems it is not a physical door sensor.

Have a nice dinner Joerg, talk to you soon. Thanks for your time.

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With the bridge obviously, because you mentioned that the card works.

So now try to do a couple of open/close of the door plus a lock/unlock, then wait for 1 minute and see if the sensor give you the warning.

yes, of course.

So now try to do a couple of open/close of the door plus a lock/unlock, then wait for 1 minute and see if the sensor give you the warning.

I made this sequence three times, no problem. Then I made the same sequence two times waiting only 5 or 10", no problemā€¦ :thinking:

PS. I made manual lock/unlocks since it is doing that the problem occured for me and Joerg.


From the bridgeā€™s point of view, thereā€™s no difference between a manual lock and one made via app or API.

Very strange. But I donā€™t think itā€™s related to the cardā€™s code. Let me know if you find somethingā€¦

And now I retried locking/unlocking via HA and then open the door : door sensor problem !

NB. Waiting a couple of minutes, door sensor return to normal without re-calibrating.

Probably a non-sense idea but since there is no problem when only opening/closing the door, only when I do lock/unlock operation, could be that a conflict between HA Nuki integration and ā€œourā€ solution which would drive Nuki bridge to bug sometimes ?

Did you

Interesting observation, did you delete the old sensors of previous versions of the card? Maybe the conflict happens when the Nuki Official polls the bridge and the bridge is busy doing the callbackā€¦but weā€™re just speculating nowā€¦

It never happened to me, but youā€™re testing much more than I did. In any case, in real life scenario, I donā€™t think it will happen.

did you delete the old sensors of previous versions of the card?

Yes I did.

Maybe the conflict happens when the Nuki Official polls the bridge [ā€¦].

Is the HA Nuki integration needed with this solution ?

In any case, in real life scenario, I donā€™t think it will happen.

Well, it happened at the first try which was a normal use case.

I was just looking at that: actually, itā€™s only needed as a target for the lock/unlock, othwerwise I donā€™t have a target entity for those actions. What could be done is create a service (a REST switch or something like that) which calls the lock/unlock actions on the bridge via HTTP. If we integrate those 2 actions in a normal Template Switch, we can get rid of the official Nuki integration.

Basically, weā€™ve redone the integration from scratch, with callbacks. :smiley:

I did it too, and had no issues.

Good morning,

you mean something like this?:

nuki_unlock: "curl -s '**'"
nuki_open: "curl -s '192.168.063:8081/lockAction?nukiId=device_id&deviceType=0&action=3&token=**'"
nuki_lock: "curl -s '**'"

Good morning,

Nope, that was too simple. :slight_smile:

I wanted to revisit the whole structure of the user variables so the user only configures these variables: bridge IP, bridge Port, Token, Webhook in secrets.yaml.

Once I have those 4 variables, I can build dynamically all the URLs I need to communicate with the Bridge. I also wanted a single lockAction service to call, passing the service the Action parameter I need.

I used one rest_command service in which the URL is created through the user config variables, the problem was that templates donā€™t support secrets, but if you create a sensor and map it to the secret, you can bypass the limitation. :slight_smile:


- platform: template
      value_template: !secret nuki_bridge_host

- platform: template
      value_template: !secret nuki_bridge_port

- platform: template
      value_template: !secret nuki_bridge_token


  url: "http://{{ states('sensor.nuki_bridge_host') }}:{{ states('sensor.nuki_bridge_port') }}/lockAction?nukiId={{ states('sensor.nuki_id') }}&token={{ states('sensor.nuki_bridge_token') }}&action={{ action }}"

Once you have the variables and the service, you can create the Template Lock.


- platform: template
  name: "Nuki Lock Action"
  value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('binary_sensor.nuki_door_state', 'lock_state', 'locked') }}"
  availability_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.nuki_door_state', 'lock_state') != None }}"
    service: rest_command.nuki_lock_action
      action: 2
    service: rest_command.nuki_lock_action
      action: 1

It was pretty tricky to make it work, but it does, and doesnā€™t require the official Nuki integration to be installed. :slight_smile:

I learned a lot revisiting the whole structure of the card last night, now itā€™s much better, more elegant and clean. Iā€™m still testing some things, then Iā€™ll release v4.0.

If v4.0 works, Iā€™ll concentrate on the annoying problem: after an HA restart the callbacked sensors are not initialized and require an action on the door/lock to trigger the callback. I want to solve thatā€¦:slight_smile:

I removed the Nuki integration already and will go on with testing later.

I could release it now, but Iā€™m too tired (didnā€™t sleep tonight) to rewrite the instructions and could make mistakes. :smiley:

I was also thinking to start a new thread, this one is getting a little bit confusing, what do you think? Shall we continue here or start a new thread?

Letā€™s vote :slight_smile:

  • Start a new thread
  • Continue in this thread
  • I donā€™t care, just give me the code :smiley:
0 voters

Than better get some rest. HA and the locks will still be the there later :wink:

I donā€™t use it to retrieve the status, only to start the action (lock/unlock). The status of the door and the lock comes through the callback right after the action.