Nuki Smartlock Battery Critical Notification?

Hi folks,

I’ve seen the Nuki Smartlocks have an attribute battery_critical - as I’m new to Home Assistant I’m wondering if this can be used to send a notification. I checked the docs, but I’ve not delved into HA so deeply that I would understand how to do that.

Any help out there?

Best regards,

Yep, if it is reporting something, you can use that as a trigger for your automation.

For attributes you’ll need a template trigger. If you can give me an example of what the output of the battery_critical attribute is, and what it reflects, I can give you an example automation to tinker with.

Ah, now I see. I didn’t delve into templating, yet. The initial learning curve is slightly steep :smiley:

The current reporting is:


Thanks for helping with this!

OK, so something like:

  platform: template
  value_template: "{{ states.lock.zuhause_.attributes.battery_critical == 'true' }}"
    message: "Lock battery is critical!" 

Thanks! Looking forward to testing it (no idea when the rechargeables will be empty next time :wink: )

Hi @aeble. I’m thinking about buying one Nuki smart lock. Are you happy with it? Can you, at least, check if it is locked or unlocked, and operate it from Home Assistant?? Thanks in advance!

Sorry for the late reply – yes, the integration is pretty cool and works like a charm. I don’t have any comparison to other motorized locks or the newer Nuki lock version, though.