Number Format lost in (iOS) Notification

I am trying to create an automation that sends me the values of my energy meter via notification to my mobile phone on a monthly period.
I did get this working but sadly the sensor loses his number format when send via notification and therefore the “,” and “.” are swapped and there are no seperators as-like when accessing via the WebUI.

My Notification Config:

  title: Stromzählerwerte
  message: >-
    Netzbezug: {{

    Netzeinspeisung: {{

Correct number forat via WebUI:

Wrong number format via (iOS) Notification:

Also tried the new state_translated feature without success (still same issue)
Any help appreciated. Thanks

state and state_translated do not output in relation to your selected number format. This functionality does not exist at this time.

This is probably the easiest way to handle this

{% set value = states('sensor.energy_real_produced_fronius_meter_0_froniusgen24_home') | float %}
{{ "{:,}".format(value).replace('.', ' ').replace(',','.').replace(' ',',') }}

Got it working.
Big thank you and a lot of apprectiation for the fast reply :pray:

Hope the feature will be implemented some time. Would be another step to making Home Assistant more user-friendly

In case anybody finds this posts and has same issue.
Here is my “fixed” configuration:

  title: Stromzählerwerte
  message: >-
    Netzbezug:{% set value =
    states('sensor.energy_real_consumed_fronius_meter_0_froniusgen24_home') |
    float %} {{ "{:,}".format(value).replace('.', '
    ').replace(',','.').replace(' ',',') }} kWh

    Netzeinspeisung:{% set value =
    states('sensor.energy_real_produced_fronius_meter_0_froniusgen24_home') |
    float %} {{ "{:,}".format(value).replace('.', '
    ').replace(',','.').replace(' ',',') }} kWh