
It’s week 3 of 2017 and great things did already happen. This is just a little recap.

  • In the OSS Metrics leaderboard we are on place 30. Within three months we moved from our starting place which was 66 in September 2016 up to the current one.
  • We were listed on Github Trending. Also, was @balloob mentioned as trending developer.
  • @balloob’s talk at the OpenIoT Summit 2016 was rated as one of the Top 5 videos of the conference.
  • We now ship over 500 components and platforms.
  • We processed over 3500 Pull requests on the main repository so far.

You may ask yourself why this is amazing. It’s amazing because we are a community-only project driven by volunteers there is no financial support, no company in the background, and no paid developers who are working on Home Assistant. Here is another “Thank you” because you are the driving force behind Home Assistant.

What more numbers? Checkout the Trivia page

– Fabian

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at