Numeric State automation triggering too often

Hi all,

I have an issue with a state automation triggering when it should not. The scenario is this:

I have a TPLink HS110 switch with metrics as sensors. It’s connected to a laundry dryer. The sensor is defined as follows:

  - platform: template 
        value_template: '{{ states.switch.tplink_hs110.attributes["current_consumption"] | replace(" W", "") | float }}' 

And the automation trigger is this:

- alias: 'notify on dryer finished' 
  id: notify_on_dryer_finished 
  initial_state: true 
  hide_entity: false 
    platform: numeric_state 
    entity_id: sensor.tp_link_watts 
    below: 30 
      minutes: 5 

This works nicely and does inform me when my dryer is finished.

However, it happened to me twice within a couple of days that I got false alarms. Usually the watts sensor is at 0W, but occasionally it seems to go up to 0.3W, just to return to 0W for the next reading. I checked the HA DB for the state changes:

select * from states where entity_id like '%watts%' order by created desc limit 3;
state_id | domain |      entity_id       |  state  |                                          attributes                                           | event_id |         last_changed          |         last_updated          |            created             


   486038 | sensor | sensor.tp_link_watts | 0.0     | {"friendly_name": "tp_link_watts", "icon": "mdi:washing-machine", "unit_of_measurement": "W"} |          | 2017-11-14 14:35:22.541915+01 | 2017-11-14 14:35:22.541915+01 | 2017-11-14 13:35:22.589673+01 

   486034 | sensor | sensor.tp_link_watts | 0.3     | {"friendly_name": "tp_link_watts", "icon": "mdi:washing-machine", "unit_of_measurement": "W"} |          | 2017-11-14 14:34:51.57865+01  | 2017-11-14 14:34:51.57865+01  | 2017-11-14 13:34:51.629888+01 

   479664 | sensor | sensor.tp_link_watts | 0.0     | {"friendly_name": "tp_link_watts", "icon": "mdi:washing-machine", "unit_of_measurement": "W"} |          | 2017-11-13 22:40:45.845699+01 | 2017-11-13 22:40:45.845699+01 | 2017-11-13 21:40:48.798226+01 

So it was really just one reading that went above 0W. Yet, it fired the notification. I wonder if my yaml is wrong in some place or if automation triggers with thresholds (below/above) have some issues. My understanding would be that “below: 30” would not match state changes from a value below 30 to a value below 30, but only state changes crossing the threshold value?

Thanks for any help!