Nut addon version 11 config that works found

Hello everyone…
I am.kinda fresh with this ha subject but was able to get it working in all its beauty in a vm.
Now i moved on and dedicated an i3 lenovo tiny for it and thats where the issue starts.
When i try to install the nut addon, it still looks normal until i start configuring it for my, formerly in the vm working, ups network card .
As soon i hit save and start the addon it either disappears from the list of installed addons and is not to find til next reboot, or on rare occasions i am able to get into its logs and it states that it is unable to start services and runs i to a null event.
In the main logs on top it states that some docker issue is ongoing.
Can i just somehow delete the whole nut addon docker container and reinstall somehow or do i have to throw away my whole ha install?

Thx for any help and ideas

  • Could not fetch stats for a0d7b954_sonweb: 404 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/containers/addon_a0d7b954_sonweb/json: Not Found (“No such container: addon_a0d7b954_sonweb”)

*Failure getting NUT ups alias, Socket error.

*/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: warning: s6-rc failed to properly bring all the services up! Check your logs (in /run/uncaught-logs/current if you have in-container logging) for more information.
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: fatal: stopping the container.
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: stopping
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully stopped
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: stopping

I’ve just got this error too

Thx for the answer…
I tried to follow the cookie crumps the log gives but the docker system stopps me finding any traces of the or upsmon or whats no involved.
A docker container ls does not show it as an installed addon via container either.
But itself webgui wise says it is runnung and actually using cpu time.
Top -bn1 also doesnt show much…gues due to docker i am out of the troubleshooting abilities here.
Any hints? I prob will fire up the old vm system and see were the difference actually sits. Maybe i can find something…

Finally some testing with my working instance from the VM! And the only noticeable difference I was able to find was nut version 10 versus nut version 11! 10 Works flawlessly with same configuration as the non-working version 11! I can only imagine that the last changes were not so error free! Anyone having a working version 11 that was not updated from 10?

Thx to sinclairpaul i found working config…

  • name: GarageUPS
    driver: snmp-ups
    desc: 1500 network
    • community=public snmp_version=v3 pollfreq=15 mibs=apcc
      mode: netserver
      shutdown_host: ‘false’
  • actions: []
    • all
      password: homeassistant
      username: homeassistant

Looks like the config part need to be filled with the parameters and not just listed below it