I have just received my nut beacon from China and I wanted to set it up as a beacon and owntracks to detect when I am near the zone. Basically 20 metres before my door.
I am trying to set it up on the owntracks app on my android but I do not know the uuid and the major and minor data.
I have looked into the native nut app but it doesn’t give the information regarding the uuid nor the major neither minor data. Can someone please help me to set this up?
Now I want to set an automation when I am near the beacon my lights would turn on. Any idea on how I can set that up?is it via mqtt? Do I need a payload?
Another question on how can I get my beacon to detect my presence more frequently?
Because I just got back home and on home assistant it showed I was away even though I was home until I hit “queue” on my owntracks app and then on my home assistant it showed I am home.