I have recently upgraded HA to 2022.6.5 Core. It is running in Docker on Synology NAS.
I noticed my UPS monitoring stopped. I removed the NUT Integration and attempted to reinstall it. However I get this error
I’ve been trying to get the NUT integration working (have never tried or had it running before now). I get the “failed to connect”, and also can confirm the DSM 7 NUT server is working fine via SSHing to the NAS as mentioned above.
I’ve tried every combination of IP address or host name, ports 5000 and the default, and all sorts of credentials: my Synology login, ups/monuser, ups/secret, etc… but no luck.
I can’t add a NUT user as I’ve seen some loose guides refer to because the upsd.users file doesn’t exist where I should supposedly see it.
What makes it even more frustrating is the integration form resets on ever failed attempt!
I’ve also been troubled by this issue, and I’ve tried many possibilities, including the NAS IP, different usernames and passwords. Finally, I found that you need to add the IP address of the HA container to the UPS allow list in DSM. In addition, you need to open port 3493 on the NAS firewall. Everyone can try this and see if it works.