NUT tools, and changing units of measurement (or their display)

I have an entity which I’d like to display differently from my NUT tools grab from my Eaton 5PX UPS.

Is there a way to do “math” with this so that instead of a number of seconds I can either divide by 60 to get “minutes” or by 3600 to get “hours”?

(This would then show about 10.8 hr)

I’m not aware of something off the shelf. I’m using a bit of template code in a custom:template-entity-row to accomplish this;

{% set minutes = states('sensor.foo_seconds')|float(0) * 60 %}
{{ (minutes // 60)|int(0) }}h {{ (minutes % 60)|int(0) }}m

Similar code could be used to support seconds, or even days etc.

Thanks! That got me there with a couple of tweaks…perfect!

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