Nutone Z-Wave Switches

Has anyone used the Nutone line of Z-Wave switches. They are $23 each on eBay.

I have not.
But @ $67.25 I probably wouldn’t.

each under $30 on the amazon
Inovelli Z-Wave Dimmer Switch + Built-In Z-Wave Repeater (zwave plus)
Zooz Z-Wave Plus On Off Wall Switch ZEN21 (White) VER. 2.0
I have both and they work well, The GEs are not much more.

That price is for three switches.

missed that… in that case, I’d try them

It looks like there are some low cost dimmers too,
I’m not seeing the word “plus” so I’m guessing they’re not zwave plus.
And to comment on your OP, in the 5 or more years of using zwave devices, I’ve never seen Nutone switches before. So… maybe they’re new to the zwave market and they are zwave plus.
But @ $23 , that’s “just a couple of bottles of wine” as my wife would say…

I am fairly new to Z-Wave, but other than better range and more memory, is there an advantage to looking for plus, and are they equally interchangeable?

My guess they are not plus as I look at eBay as the bargain basement department for anyone wanting to dump obsolete hardware.

So far I like the Inovelli line the best because they work in a 3-way (or even a 4-way) circuit right out of the box. Unlike GE that requires their secondary switch for another $20.

Depends on your hub. The plus devices will not /may not work with older hubs.
I’ve installed several GE 3-ways and what you get with a dedicated GE aux switch is the ability to dim the light from either of the switch paddles. If it’s just an on/off switch that won’t matter. Also if you don’t care if it’s only dimmable from one switch then it won’t matter.
I have several CA600 dimmers that work with an existing 3way but you did have to add a jumper on the old 3way side.
I’m having to replace these older CA600 dimmers because they are starting to disconnect from the my newer hub after a month or two and have to be re-included.
From what I’ve seen on the wiring diagram of the new iNovelli and zooz switches you still have to rewire the old switch by pulling the load and connecting a neutral.
I haven’t wire one of these in three way yet but plan too soon.

I am using the Aeotec Z-Wave stick as my hub, but so far all of my devices are plus. I missed an opportunity to buy some non-plus GE switches when the Home Depot Iris hubs became exclusively plus.

The Inovelli switches may require some minor rewiring for three-way operation depending on which box has the line voltage (black wire to the breaker) and which has the load (black wire to the lights).

I’m thinking about trying some of these Nutone devices. Has anyone go ahead and get any to try yet? If so, a review would be nice.

I am quite happy with the Inovelli switches. I have 5 so far, and a few more planned. The best part is that they are very easy to wire into a 3-way or 4-way configuration with standard (I.E. cheap) switches.

Sorry, I was referring to the Nutone switches.

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I just got a NuTone NWS15Z. Installed on the wall. To get it recognized by Home Assistant, I tried several things, but I think the procedure is to go into Configuration->Z-Wave->Remove Node, double click on switch and then Heal Network. Then Add Node, click on switch and then Heal Network. Finally, I rebooted my Raspberry Pi. Nothing shows up until after reboot. The remove node is to reset the switch, then add the switch to Home Assistant. It shows up as switch.linear_ws15z_1_wall_switch_switch and zwave.linear_ws15z_1_wall_switch.

I just upgraded 90% of my switches to the NuTones
5x NWS15Z, 2x NWD500Z, 2x NWT00Z

On/Off response time is quick
Install - Medium difficult (requires a common wire) for most people. I was previously and electrician, so it wasn’t too bad for me.

None so far

No humming and minimal clicking in the switch itself when dimming or on/off change

Due to the fact that the switches slowly fade when turned off, the polling interval causes the wrong brightness level to be recorded in HASSIO. When you turn the bulbs back on they go to the previous setting, but HASSIO sets the brightness value back to the last value it saw. Still researching on how to fix this in HASSIO

This device shines for me!
Shallower than most Z-Wave Switches.
This device allows you to add a 3-Way without a traveler wire. However; it requires 120v to power the (basically a remote Z-Wave controller) switch. On one wall I ran a jumper from the line and common in a switch box to the other side if the wall to power the NWT00Z. In the bathroom I had a light switch and plug, I just replaced the plug with the NWT00Z to control the light at the other end of the bathroom.

Requires 120V power nearby. If you have a traveler already (and know what you’re doing). You could use the traveler to bring 120v power from the primary switch to the 3-Way.
Requires a Z-Wave controller to group this accessory switch with the master switch it will control.

Overall I highly recommend these switches.
Plenty of lead wire and thick gauge on the load side
Easily discoverable with the Z-Wave component in HASSIO

Not Z-Wave Plus devices
Leads are hard wired inside the switch housing (be careful if you decide to trim them, you don’t get to swap the wires if you trim of too much).

I figured out a work around solution for the fade-in/fade-out issue. I use Node-Red and I created a trigger on any state change in the light entity, this triggers a 3 second delay, and then a zwave node_refresh for the node ID of the light.