Nvidea Shield Remote to Turn On TV LED Lights

Having trouble to get my Nvidea remote integration to turn on my Zigbee TV LED lights. I can turn the LEDs on manually from the dashboard and I can see the Nvidea remote device go to ON when I turn on the Remote but my Automation does not work. Any sugesstions appreciated.

alias: Turn On TV LED When Shield Is On
description: "Turn TV LED On Blue "
  - platform: device
    device_id: b1d5d9c910415b879a08177432d99ea7
    domain: media_player
    entity_id: 739c2d5a4c1a531cc0a0da5fb66137ee
    type: turned_on
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
    metadata: {}
        - 47
        - 15
        - 210
      entity_id: light.living_room_tv_led_lights_light
      device_id: 982219dbd749f86074db5dcaf434a009
mode: single`Preformatted text`

I do not see any problems in your automation. :wink:

Edit: Ah! now I see it!

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Sorry to throw yet another link to a post at you, but it is an important one, and thereā€™s a lot of good info on the forum: avoid using device ids:

It is hard to tell what this device trigger does. In this case a state trigger would be what you need. In order to see what state you are aiming for, go to the developer tools, search for the entity of the media player you are interested in. Now perform the action you want to react to, and see what the state changes to. It looks something like this:

Most likely, in this case, the state is on, but it may also be something else, like playing. Use that as to: in the state trigger. You may also want to consider putting both on and playing in the trigger, but start with only one and expand if you miss some events.

Then in the action, use only the entity id, not the device id.

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i donā€™t have an nvidia shieldā€¦ so i donā€™t know what itā€™s ā€œonā€ state is or even if it has an on vs off. but i recall from helping others is that it has ā€œplayingā€ as a state.

so maybe try this and see if this turns the light on when you have it play media. note that i nuked your device idā€™s (consistent with @Edwin_D edwin_dā€™s rec) and put a placeholder entity_id. replace that entity_id with the correct entity_id for your shield.

alias: Turn On TV LED When Shield Is On
description: "Turn TV LED On Blue "
  - platform: state
    entity_id: media_player.living_room_nvidia_shield
    to: 'playing'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
    metadata: {}
        - 47
        - 15
        - 210
      entity_id: light.living_room_tv_led_lights_light
mode: single`Preformatted text`
1 Like

Much appreciated. I am at the bottom of my learning curve with HA and YAML. Will try your suggestions. Thank you very much


One more thing to remember: the automation wonā€™t run if the state of the media payer already is what the trigger specifies. It needs to change to it from something else to what you specify, then it fires.