NWS This entity is not currently available

Getting the error “This entity is not currently available.” from the NWS entities - any idea?

+1 still happening on 2021.7.4

Bug reports should go to the GitHub issues.

But this could be several things: the NWS server is down or you are trying to use it outside of the US, as examples. The NWS server is flaky, although the integration tries very hard to avoid this issue for short duration outages.

Ok. Not outside US, not down occasionally, solidly down for me (and clearly others) for a few weeks now. Seems like an API change?

My local instance is running just fine. I’m not sure how to diagnose without any error messages or logs.

Ah, thats good news. The setup says you can use any random string for an API key. Is this still the case?

It works for me