O365 Token Error

Hi all,

I’m trying to configure the O365 integration, but I keep receiving the error below.
Minimum required permissions: ‘Presence.Read, Chat.Read’. Not available in token
I already validated the permissions in Azure App registration, and everything looks good. Have any of you encountered this error before?
Thank you so much !!

Nope mine just works like a clock even after migration to his new integration

Thats one question. Are you using the O365 integration or the newly (split) M365 integraTIONS?

One is current and supported. :). Roger wants to maintain each function independently so changing something for ToDo doesnt blow up calendar for instance.

Hi Nathan,
I’m using the Office 365 (the new one)
It looks like any issue in the app registration, because when I tried to validate the token in the Microsoft Graph, the presence and chat read permissions are not there also.
I don’t know what to do anymore.

point me to exactly which one in hacs or the repo you are using? - m365 is(are) the newer ones.