Observer url is accessible, Home Assistant URL is not

I installed on a Pi 3b+, seemed to go smoothly.
connected via ethernet.
I’m able to access the observer url, but not the home assistant url.
I connected a monitor and confirmed that it does show the HA url as port 8123.
Also, it’s home Assistant OS 13.2 with 2024.11.3 core, in case that’s relevant.

When I try to visit the HA url, I just get Hmmm… can’t reach this page

homeassistant.local refused to connect.
I’ve tried multiple browsers (Edge and FF)
Here’s the info displayed on the observer url:

Home Assistant observer

Supervisor: Connected
Supported: Supported
Healthy: Healthy

HA will try to join the probably already existing mDNS network, but if that is somehow bugged, then homeassistant.local will not work.
Try http://<ip>:8123 instead.

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I think you mean


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I used < and > which got removed by the editor as markdown code. :smiley:

I had tried both the ip and the hostname and got nowhere, so I just unplugged it. Today, I powered it up again and I weas able to get to the HA url and configure everything. Should have known turning it off and back on was worth trying