Obsidian ESP32 Pi Hat

Has anyone tried the Obsidian ESP32 Pi Hat? I am running a Pi4B and thought this might eliminate the need to physically mount the ESP32 board and remove a USB cable to the Pi. Any suggestions are welcomed…
Thanks, Ron

What “Hat” is it about?
The only reference to “Obsidian ESP32 RPI” I find is an ESP32 board with an RPI form factor and RPI compatiable GPIO layout. It doesn’t interact with an actual RPI…

The link to the product is here.

I assumed that the board plugged into a Pi but upon closer inspection and your comments it appears it does not. Have you heard of any ESP32 board that would fit on top of the Pi so the ESP32 does not need to be separately mounted or cabled to the Pi?
Thanks, Ron

No. It doesn’t really make sense to create a hat just to get the 5V.