OBSOLETE.Solar Edge Modbus integration combined with the new Energy Dashboard

Hi All,

Exactly what I’d like to set up. Unfortunately, I’ve only gotten as far as installing the modbus_solaredge integration via HACS I think, and configuring it. I’m not actually receiving any data from it at all.

I know it all works as I currently have it connected to C-Bus and sending data back fine.


Thank you for sharing. Can you please help me? I am new HA user so this may well be basic stuff. I am getting HA errors when I validate the server configuration. I’m sure it’s something basic.

I note that you refer to sensors.yaml and template.yaml when none exist in my new installation. I found reference online that tells me how to reference these new files within the configuration.yaml so added 2 more lines to what appear to be existing external references:

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml*
scene: !include scenes.yaml
sensors: !include sensors.yaml
template: !include template.yaml

I’ve created the 2 additional files and inserted your text exactly as you quote (copied by highlighting text and simple plain text pasting). I am getting errors that

Configuration invalid

Invalid config for [solaredge_modbus]: expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘host’]. Got ‘’
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘name’]. Got ‘SolarEdge Modbus’
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘port’]. Got 1502
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘read_battery’]. Got True
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘read_meter1’]. Got True
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘read_meter2’]. Got False
expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘solaredge_modbus’][‘scan_interval’]. Got 3. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 24).
Integration error: sensors - Integration ‘sensors’ not found.

I can confirm that my MODBUS is enabled as I’ve been using with an old HA build but that HACS added integration would not show me battery details and I hope to get that with your setup.

Any advice would be most welcome. Thanks.


Hi @Tonywheeler60,

Honestly speaking, there’s no need anymore for using any of the methods described in @Remko 's post for adding the Modbus Sensors to the EnergyDashboard.

Just install the integration (I would prefer HACS) and it should be ok.
the sensors will be available by default - and without the need of creating utiliy meters and what ever else was mentioned in the linked topic :slight_smile:

Thanks, but I’ve tried that and the battery sensor is missing altogether. Plus this installation creates detail by summarising entities that simply do not exist - calculating and reformatting them?
Am I missing something?

can you give more details about the “summarising entities that do not exist” ?
The integration does simply one thing - it collects the data the inverter delivers on the modbus interface.

If you want to have import / export data, you need to have a modbus meter installed on your inverter.

During the setup of the integration, you can then check weather a meter is installed (m1 up to m3) or / and a battery.
Then it should also delivers battery information…

Agree, I have gotten rid of the previous modbus integration and chnaged it to the one available via HACS. During configuration you can select meter 1 and battery 1 and that gives me all the data required for the energy dashboard. I am not getting rid of my entire configuration since I have some other UI elements which require values, the modbus does not directly provides (stuff like daily imported etc)

I am cleaning up my configuration now and when I am done with that I will repost my entire setup here. May take a few days though…

I’m having problem with the life time sensor, when I divide it by 1000 to get the value in kWh I sometimes get 0 when the value is missing. And that’s not a big issue but the energy dashboard look bad when it happens. Does anyone know how to filter that away or ignore it. I have the lifetime kWh sensor in the template.yaml

Please see my latest post in this thread for the configuration I use now. This also takes care of the “jumping to 0” problem

Hi @scottda, I’am using the modbus TCP to collect data from my solaredge inverter and power meter.
I’m also using an Influx Db and Grafana.
I’ve not been able from now to create an “historical” card with data such as " Solar generation last week / today / month … "
The reason is that the value i’ve got from modbus is a “state_class: total_increasing” i suppose.
Can you maybe give me a little explanation on how you managed to do it ?
Thanks in advance,


Hi @Madjinn. I am going to try and share my json file (granfana dashboard extract) hopefully you can import it to see what sensors etc i have used where. Its a mixture of readings from the TCP modbus as well as the solaredge cloud via the two integrations in Homeassistant. Hopefully you can access it from this public share, let me know if you cant, here it is. Grafana dashboard. @marschall.philipp, i think you asked for this some time ago too…dont know if you still wanted it. thanks

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Hello @scottda, I was able to grab your Json file. Thank you very much. I’am actually running Influx DB V2 and i see that you use the V1. It’s finally not so a problem because you helped me a lot with the info that you use also the Solaredge API. I still didn’t have my Solaredge account created (Solar panels are just running since 2 weeks) so I will wait for that and install the Homeassistant Solaredge integration.
As a little info here is the integration i use to read the modbus through the Modbus-Tcp: LINK I choose it because i have also the power meter.
Have a nice Evening !

Hi Remko
Before I start with a home Assistant project I want to know who you integrate your solaredge? Do you have a special gateway to interact with it like a zigbee gateway, or how do you connect your solaredge inverter.
I would be happy if you would answer me, or gladly someone else who is familiar with it
Yours Alex

The solaredge inverter is connected to my local network to which my Homeassistant is also connected(in my case with a LAN cable) and then I use the modbus integration to have Homeassistant talk to the inverter. For the exact details of the modbus connection, please read the corresponding instructions.

But… Please use this thread for the latest configuration. This thread is outdated.

Author wanted this closed, see previous post for updated details

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