Obtaining local image instead of using DuckDNS

Complicated issue, perhaps? What I’m trying to do is show an image of the caller when someone rings on the landline. I’ve tried all sorts of ways to achieve this and for various reasons/bugs none of them have quite worked out.

Anyway the current method I’ve got works:-

  • Image.jpg gets overwritten with the caller’s image. I do this instead of using different filenames.
  • Image.jpg gets ‘?v=timestamp’ appended to it so that the browser servers up a fresh image not a cached one.

image.jpg is stored in config/www/images/ but I can’t find a way to show that image unless I use my DuckDNS fully formatted external URL which seems like an inefficient long way round to show the image. I’m using the generic camera platform. I tried using the local_file platform and found issues with that, too. Namely that Jinja didn’t work even though I think it’s supposed to.
Any help much appreciated!
