Why would you use OCCUPANCY v MOTION in a motion detector? Sorry I am new to this stuff but want to understand why you would use one over the other. Any case?
Occupancy is a state that can be triggered by motion and last until no motion was detected for a (often configurable) time. Motion is more an event.
Usually if motion ends, the occupancy timeout countdown starts. If it passes with no motion, occupancy is set off. If motion is noticed while timeout is not done, the timer is resetted and occupancy stays on.
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You can also have calculated occupancy such as…
If a room has a closed door and motion happens inside the room. Set ‘occupied’ until the door opens again.
You can set the asme sensor occupied from other sensors too such as your phone or a smartwatch and BLE.
Occupancy is a construct based on other sensors. Motion is just motion.