Octopus Energy and PV Surplus

sorry for my english, I’m from Germany trying my best…:
I’m using Octopus Energy intelligent Go. In Germany we don’t have access to any Octopus Api.
The tariff wants to charge my car “smart” at least in a time window from 0:00-5:00 o’clock.
Besides that I still want to use PV Surplus like before to charge my car.
I’m using evcc to use Surplus and I have got the modes “PV”, for using Surplus, “off”, hence the name and “Now” to start charging fast with using power from the grid.
If I set the mode to “PV” the Octopus App can’t charge the car at night, because the charger doesn’t have any power. And on daytime surplus is not used because the octopus App doesn’t want to charge the car.
If I set it to “now” it starts charging, even if the Octopus App doesn’t want to.
If I set it to “off” there is no power for the charger.
What can I do?
Does anybody have this setup working?
I could write an automation setting the evcc mode to “PV” when there is enough sun but I don’t’t know if that would help. And which mode should be used in the night? At the moment I stopped the evcc-addon to let the Octopus App do the job…
Any help?

I am facing the same problem.
I haven’t tried yet, because my smart meter is not installed. But I think it should work if you configure a fixed tariff and use the mode “PV”.
EVCC will then charge from grid from 0h to 5h even in “PV” mode, because the prices is under the limit you establish.
Here the code:

  currency: EUR # three letter ISO-4217 currency code (default EUR)
    type: fixed
    price: 0.27 # EUR/kWh (default)
      - days: Mo-So
        hours: 0-5
        price: 0.14 # EUR/kWh