I received an email from Octopus Energy advising of a trial to meet target energy usage by reducing usage at key times, and thought this would be a good way to make use of HA automations.
However, being fairly new to all this, would like to get your thoughts.
I have key offender devices on smart plugs for energy monitoring with the ability to power on / off.
Im thinking an automation to power the devices down ahead of the ‘key times’ when we’re supposed to be using less energy. But then also thought, I’d need to check the devices weren’t already on, and ideally power the devices down x mins/hours ahead of time so they’re not mid-cycle when the ‘key times’ window opens. Let’s say the key times are between 1700 - 1900hrs.
The washing machine and dishwasher are the key offenders, and I’d likely link in the heat pump too and maybe drop the target temps / hot water demand during those times.
Before I start to build the automation. Does anyone else have any thoughts / ideas to make this really work?