Octopus energy rates card having problems

I cannot get the Octopus Energy Rats card to work.

On adding the card to a dashboard there cofig message I need to define an entity type: custom:octopus-energy-rates-card .

I have tried deleting and reinstalling the card l over the last few days to no avail.

Can somebody please advise.

Thanks in advance

Have you followed the configuration instructions here? Account - Home Assistant Octopus Energy

It worked for me - I got an API key and saved it in the Integration configuration

Or did I mis-read your post and you are struggling with configuring the entity? You need to replace the XXX with your Octopus ID

type: custom:octopus-energy-rates-card
pastEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_previous_day_rates
currentEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_current_day_rates
futureEntity: event.octopus_energy_electricity_XXX_next_day_rates
cols: 2
hour12: false
showday: true
showpast: true
title: Octopus Current Import Rates
lowlimit: 10
mediumlimit: 20
highlimit: 30
roundUnits: 0
unitstr: p/kWh
combinerate: true
cardRefreshIntervalSeconds: 600

Hello Donald

Many thanks for your quick response.

The problem is
You need to define an entity
type: custom:octopus-energy-rates-card

I have entered the octopus identity but still no joy, and on saving the card set up disappears.

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And you have installed the octopus-energy-rates-card via HACs, yes? If so then I don’t know sorry as it worked for me. I just followed the directions from GitHub - lozzd/octopus-energy-rates-card: This lovelace card for Home Assistant displays the Octopus Energy rate prices per each 30 minute slot