Octopus Texas Energy integration

As you all heard, the Griddy wholesale indexed provider in Texas went bankrupt, but Octopus Energy being primarily UK based forgave the February winter storm excess rates and is still in business. They have recently released an API similar to the Griddy one that can be polled for current wholesale electric rate. The Griddy API has been working still but the integration module was deleted from the current HA.

Hopefully someone can put together the same integration for Octopus Texas (not to be confused with the Octopus UK integrations):



As you may know, Octopus Texas only has the wholesale index rated product for those who signed a 5-year agreement earlier, but for those who have it… a simple Octopus Texas API Sensor REST implementation for your configuration.yaml:
Remember to change out LZ_NORTH with your electric zone name.

 - platform: rest
   name: electricity_cost
   scan_interval: 60
   resource: https://api.oeus-kraken.systems/v1/graphql/
   method: POST
     Content-Type: application/json
   payload: '{"query":"query getSettlementPoint{getSettlementPoint(settlementPoint:LZ_NORTH){LMP}}","operationName":"getSettlementPoint"}'
   value_template: '{{ (value_json.data.getSettlementPoint.LMP) | multiply(0.1) | round(3) }}'
   unit_of_measurement: 'c/KWh'