Odd behaviour when taking and downloading snapshots

To resolve an issue, I moved from 0.115.4 to the beta stream today. Prior to doing so, I wanted to be sure I had a good snapshot.

Normally, I use the autosnapshot addon but that only creates incremental snapshots and I wanted a full snapshot, so I generated one manually. I got this displayed when I did so:

When I tried to download the snapshot, the resulting file was 0 bytes in length.

However, when I used the SAMBA addon to look at the backups folder, it was 150MB long, so I copied that directly.

EDIT: I’ve just seen that the password checkbox is ticked, though I don’t recall ticking that. I tried again with the password checkbox unticked, but it made no difference.

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Sounds like you aren’t waiting for the snapshot to complete. For me, it takes upwards of 4 minutes to create a snapshot.

Also, if you drop a new file into the addon folder, you have to clear the cache and refresh the page (CTRL+F5).

If none of those are your issues, check out the supervisor logs.

Had similar issue with a 504 Gateway Timeout when creating a snapshot this morning (Supervisor 246). It seems the web interface (or something in between that’s checking if complete) isn’t waiting long enough for a response when requesting a snapshot. Eventually (several minutes later) the snapshot got created (248.4MB) and after a refresh of the snapshot page it showed up. (I use password protected.)

Thanks. I think you’re right; however, the UI returns before the snapshot completes and appears to indicate the snapshot has been done.

there’s no indication at all in the UI, you’re making assumptions. The only indication the UI makes saying that the snapshot is done is when the snapshot appears in the list of snapshots.

So what’s all that in the image at the top of this thread?

And in any case, the image was in the list of snapshots: otherwise I wouldn;t have been able to download it.