Odd behaviour with logbook after 2022.6 upgrade

Hi Everyone,

Was hoping I could get some advice. A few weeks ago, with some help from the community, I set up some pet activity logging (see previous thread: Logging to “logbook” with a button, or is there something else I can use?).

Basically, I have a logbook card:

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: markdown
    content: <h2>Dog Log</h2>
  - type: logbook
    hours_to_show: 24
    theme: Mushroom Square
      - input_button.dog_1
      - input_button.dog_2
      - input_button.dog_both

And I have various buttons that look like this:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:button-card
        entity: input_button.dog_1
        name: Dog 1
        icon: mdi:fire-hydrant
        show_name: true
        show_icon: true
        show_entity_picture: true
        entity_picture: /local/photos/dog_1.png
          action: none
          action: call-service
          service: logbook.log
            name: Dog Log
            domain: input_button
            entity_id: input_button.dog_1
            message: >
              {% set dog = state_attr('input_button.dog_1', 'friendly_name')
              %} {{ dog }}: Whoops! The last log item was a mistake.
          action: call-service
          service: logbook.log
            name: Dog Log
            domain: input_button
            entity_id: input_button.dog_1
            message: >
              {% set dog = state_attr('input_button.dog_1', 'friendly_name')
              %} {{ dog }}: Pee

Before the upgrade to 2022.06, the log entries would look like this:

Dog 1: Pee

After the upgrade, they look like this:

Dog 1: Pee triggered by service logbook.log

I was reading through the docs, and I can’t seem to find any way to remove the “triggered by service logbook.log” text, and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

I upgraded to 2022.6.1 this morning, which fixed an issue with the logbook card loading extremely slowly, but not this.



No luck so far, bumping this up

Same here, strange to see in my case cover “is opening triggered by service cover.open_cover”, do not know how to exclude it

I would love this behavior as an option. I hate it as a non-optional thing. Most of my custom logbook entries I have formatted exactly the way I want them, and don’t need the extra mess of text.

This is still an issue almost a year later.

Has anyone taken the time to write up an issue? If not, it’s going to continue being an issue until someone does.

I just had a need for this and stumbled upon this issue. In my research I found a feature request to make this optional.
