Hi Everyone,
Was hoping I could get some advice. A few weeks ago, with some help from the community, I set up some pet activity logging (see previous thread: Logging to “logbook” with a button, or is there something else I can use?).
Basically, I have a logbook card:
type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
- type: markdown
content: <h2>Dog Log</h2>
- type: logbook
hours_to_show: 24
theme: Mushroom Square
- input_button.dog_1
- input_button.dog_2
- input_button.dog_both
And I have various buttons that look like this:
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:button-card
entity: input_button.dog_1
name: Dog 1
icon: mdi:fire-hydrant
show_name: true
show_icon: true
show_entity_picture: true
entity_picture: /local/photos/dog_1.png
action: none
action: call-service
service: logbook.log
name: Dog Log
domain: input_button
entity_id: input_button.dog_1
message: >
{% set dog = state_attr('input_button.dog_1', 'friendly_name')
%} {{ dog }}: Whoops! The last log item was a mistake.
action: call-service
service: logbook.log
name: Dog Log
domain: input_button
entity_id: input_button.dog_1
message: >
{% set dog = state_attr('input_button.dog_1', 'friendly_name')
%} {{ dog }}: Pee
Before the upgrade to 2022.06, the log entries would look like this:
Dog 1: Pee
After the upgrade, they look like this:
Dog 1: Pee triggered by service logbook.log
I was reading through the docs, and I can’t seem to find any way to remove the “triggered by service logbook.log
” text, and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I upgraded to 2022.6.1 this morning, which fixed an issue with the logbook card loading extremely slowly, but not this.