Odd Issue - Home Assistant Won't Restart

Home-assistant won’t restart randomly. I used the restart function within home-assistant and now home-assistant won’t restart via command line.

The last error log is stuck on the first restart at 7:05 PM. I even tried rebooting RPI and HA does not restart. Any ideas? Thanks!

Very odd - see statuses.

pi@DracoyPi:~ $ sudo service --status-all
[ - ] alsa-utils
[ + ] avahi-daemon
[ + ] bluetooth
[ - ] bootlogs
[ - ] bootmisc.sh
[ - ] checkfs.sh
[ - ] checkroot-bootclean.sh
[ - ] checkroot.sh
[ + ] console-setup
[ + ] cron
[ + ] dbus
[ + ] dhcpcd
[ + ] dphys-swapfile
[ + ] fake-hwclock
[ + ] harmony
[ + ] hdparm
[ - ] hostname.sh
[ - ] hwclock.sh
[ + ] kbd
[ + ] keyboard-setup
[ - ] killprocs
[ + ] kmod
[ + ] lightdm
[ - ] motd
[ - ] mountall-bootclean.sh
[ - ] mountall.sh
[ - ] mountdevsubfs.sh
[ - ] mountkernfs.sh
[ - ] mountnfs-bootclean.sh
[ - ] mountnfs.sh
[ + ] networking
[ - ] nfs-common
[ + ] nmbd
[ + ] ntp
[ - ] plymouth
[ - ] plymouth-log
[ + ] procps
[ + ] raspi-config
[ + ] rc.local
[ - ] rmnologin
[ - ] rpcbind
[ - ] rsync
[ + ] rsyslog
[ + ] samba
[ + ] samba-ad-dc
[ - ] sendsigs
[ + ] smbd
[ + ] ssh
[ - ] sudo
[ + ] supervisor
[ + ] triggerhappy
[ + ] udev
[ + ] udev-finish
[ - ] umountfs
[ - ] umountnfs.sh
[ - ] umountroot
[ + ] urandom
[ ? ] vncboot
[ - ] x11-common