So using mosquitto broker, with logging enabled and the rtl4332mqtt add-on and all is working fine.
Example Home Assistant log output:
2018-02-08 16:45:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on home/rtl433/oil: {"time" : "2018-02-08 16:38:26", "model" : "Oil Ultrasonic STANDARD", "id" : 21663, "flags" : 96, "alarm" : 0, "binding_countdown" : 0, "depth_cm" : 41}
Publishing messages via the MQTT developer tool front-end is all fine, and messages are logged as above.
However, if I use mosquitto_pub on the command line, the connection is established, debug suggests everything is transmitted ok:
mosquitto_pub -h -u homeassistant -P XXX -i Manual1 -t /home/rtl433/oil -d -m test
Client Manual1 sending CONNECT
Client Manual1 received CONNACK
Client Manual1 sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, '/home/rtl433/oil', ... (26 bytes))
Client Manual1 sending DISCONNECT
The add-on in hassio (Mosquitto broker) log shows the debug suggesting all received ok.
1518108238: New client connected from as Manual1 (c1, k60, u'homeassistant').
1518108238: Client Manual1 disconnected.
But the message does not appear to get any further…ie no message shown in the Home Assistant log. It is as if mosquitto broker is receiving fine but not passing it onto home assistant for some reason.
Any suggestions?