Odroid n2+ / home assistant blue - which wifi usb stick ist recommended?

I am new to Homeassistant and have it now running on an odroid n2+. Future plans are to include my solar inverter and replace my currently used homee smart home interface.
For the inverter, a wifi connection is recommended. Now I am looking for a wifi usb stick but it seems like nobody gets them running on the home assistant blue - is that correct or is there any stick you recommend?
Alternatively, I can connect the inverter using the lan port but then, the odroid won’t be connected to my network anymore…
Help and advise appreciated

Your odroid running HA should be connected to your lan by ethernet (wifi not recommended) and the inverter should connect to the same lan by wifi (your wifi accesspoint). So no wifi stick needed. I do. ot think you can even do what you suggest unless you would also run an addon that converts your odroid into an accesspoint for wifi. But I also would not recommend that.

Thanks! That sounds logical.I could have thought of that myself.
I will try that when the inverter arrives - I always thought that it must be a direct connection between inverter and HA but since the Modbus Wifi signal is available the router should just forward it to my odroid.