Offer HAOS for Rpi2 B rev1.2 i.e. 64 bit

There is an obscure Raspberry Pi, the 2B rev1.2 : pasting from the Wikipedia " Revision 1.2 features a 900 MHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 processor (the same as that in the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, but underclocked to 900 MHz)".

Currently, there is only one image for the Rpi2 eg. haos_rpi2-14.1.img.xz which is not 64 bit. When trying the rpi3 haos image, it does not work on an Rpi2B rev1.2 despite having the same processor.

Thank you for considering this.

RPi3 is on the way out due to the limited RAM.
RPi2B have the same limitations and production of the board will stop within an year.


The Pi2 only has 1Gb Ram. Using a 64bit OS will stretch it even more.

Thanks for this. Indeed Limited RAM does not mean HAOS does not work though. Does that mean that from Jan 2026 the RPi 2B will not be getting any more HAOS updates?

Yeah don’t even try. Sorry.

Pi3 is the minimum system requirements and yes limited ram is an issue. Plenty of folks are reporting not even being able to get a pi3-1g to even boot successfully

In all reality I wouldn’t attempt a current build on a Pi4 unless it was a very small limited install. Let alone a three or a two.


I guess I am a minority

The EXTREME minority. This definitely falls into the just because you can doesn’t mean you should. The current minimum system listed on the install page is a pi3 (and a brief scan of the forum, reddit and other places show a very high number of folks asking about hangs and performance issues on low mem pi 4 and pi 3…)

Soooo yeah extreme minority and we should not be recommending it’s use. It’s no longer fit for the use case.

RPi 2B is not as such a supported platform on the homepage, but is for the devs to decide
The RAM amount is an issue today and the 32bit might also be it already, and the year to come will only further makes these issues more prominent.

The fact that Raspberry stops the product of the board makes it less likely to actually be developed further.

Just to close this topic on my end

  1. Grateful for everyone to take the time to reply and clarify
  2. Much obliged to the devs for supporting the RPi 2B
  3. Just to re-iterate, this request was specific for the rev 1.2 which essentially is an underclocked RPi 3B and Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant says is still “ok”. Hence, I was hoping it could be supported IF the RPi 3B was also supported.

Cheers everyone

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