Official Alexa Integration vs. the Custom Alexa Media Player

I almost exclusively use the Alexa Media Player for TTS and notifications. If I remove the custom integration and install the official integration will I retain the TTS capability?

It’s not clear in the documentation for the Alexa Integration. I noticed in my logs the warning about using a custom integration could cause issues with HA and would prefer to use the official integration if I can still use the TTS function.



No. The official integration controls HA via Alexa, not the other way round. Personally, I have both - the official integration provides a great way of filtering the entities that get exposed to Alexa, so it doesn’t get cluttered up hundreds of devices. You do need a Nabu Casa account, for which there is a subscription.

You get that warning in the log whenever you install a custom integration - it’s just a reminder that the HA team do not officially support HACS.