Much of Oklahoma has OG&E as an electricity provider. They have an app now. I’m wondering if it’s possible to create an integration to track electricity usage in Home Assistant, possibly using their app’s undocumented API?
Would love this also. Wish I had the knowledge to know where to even start…
They use CT clamps in the box behind your house in oklahoma or something similar. I bought two, 200 amp ct clamps, ADS1115 4-Channel 16-Bit A/D Converter, and an esp32 for a 80 bucks total and use it with esphome to monitor my power. I calibrated it using a shelly switch and a coffee maker and I get within 0.5% of my bill. Their website is delayed in power reporting and obfuscated. I tried to scrape it but they seem to have designed it to prevent that. In oklahoma you can use RTLMAR (GitHub - allangood/rtlamr2mqtt: Docker container to send rtlamr readings to a mqtt broker) for your gas, all our meters transmit a signal, and the best route is ct clamps for power currently. I investigated every way. The other option would be installing a full second meter thats under your control. They wont make it easy for you i would bet though