Oil tank level based on flow meter readings

Hi guys - I have a 1360L kerosene home heating oil tank, with a flow meter attached. I’m using AI-on-the-edge to digitize the meter reading, so I can see daily oil consumption.

I’m looking to add a card to a dashboard that will take that usage information and subtract it from a resettable total.

For example, today the tank was filled, so it’s at capacity (1360L). I’d like to show a gauge type card that shows that level dropping as oil is used, and then can have be easily (manually) be reset to full when the tank is next filled.

I’m afraid I’m a bit out of my depth on how to implement that.

Thanks for any assistance!


you could use the integral sensor. See the energy example at the bottom.

I assume your flow meter is in L/min or L/hour units. This sensor would multiply by minutes or hours and give your Liters consumed.

You then send that to this resettable energy meter

your display card might have to use a template 1360 - consumed value.

It looks like it works by MQTT. What does the state topic payload look like from mqttexplorer?