OK continuing with dumb questions discovering Insteon Device

A moment of silence for the passing Insteon. Another protocol like x10 I am heavily invested in… My current question is how to get my Insteon devices in Home Assistant 2022.4.6. core-2022.4.6 supervisor-2022.04.0. HA OS 7.6 I am running HA on a Linux Guest hosted on a Mac OS mii running Monterey 12…3.

As I understand it HA will “autodiscover” an Insteon when communication occurs with the device. My next hurdle is the Insteon Lock Controller 2862-222, I got it talking to the PLM 2413U when I was using Indigo. Then fired back up HA to see if it would “discover”. I also used Developer Tools to ru the service

Insteon: Add all link

Still nada

I then installed insteonplm* with no success which actually makes some sense as I installed it on my VM. and my Insteon activity is running on HA OS

So next step appeared to be to create an override as set forth this is discussion…

New Insteon PLM modem integration option via MQTT - #129 by TD22057

No signs of my override working in the Insteon Integration or in insteon_devices.json

Any thoughts or obsevations about another approach?

I am working on building out the 2862 now as a standard device in Insteon for HA. Did you get the override to work? Please send me your insteon_devices.json file if you can. I believe this is a simple on/off device but I want to see if it works with the device override. If it does, it should be simple to make work.

Got it working when I used your device setting instead of the ones from the Insteaon Manual… With your settings it actually appeared in the list of insteon devices… Strange wouldn’t work when using Insteon. but it did with yours, I THINK this file is what you wanted. I cant get the forum to upload the file but here is a link.


I am also trying to get the insteon lock to work. It displays the status, but I am unable to control it. Has anyone figured this out? The dropbox file is no longer available.

are you using the 2862? I have found that putting the PLM into learn mode (push the button o the side) and cyclin the devices and the insteon integration does an excellent job of finding it

For your reference and possible use. here is my current insteon.json file which may help you with manual creation

I amusing the 2245-222 Hub. The lock controller works fine with the app/hub. It does not get picked up by the HA hub. Can you give me the hex value of your lock controller so I can see what entries in the json file are for the controller?

OK I am using a PLM seems like most of the success is with that

the info from the .json file is

“8055”: {
“memory”: 8055,
“in_use”: true,
“controller”: false,
“high_water_mark”: false,
“bit5”: true,
“bit4”: false,
“group”: 1,
“target”: “44a22b”,
“data1”: 5,
“data2”: 3,
“data3”: 145

hope this helps

Thanks. I looked in my .json file and for my controller (2efb4e) there are several entries (I used the device override to try and get it to work):

"7783": {
        "memory": 7783,
        "in_use": true,
        "controller": true,
        "high_water_mark": false,
        "bit5": true,
        "bit4": false,
        "group": 0,
        "target": "2efb4e",
        "data1": 1,
        "data2": 10,
        "data3": 67

    "address": "2efb4e",
    "cat": 2,
    "subcat": 0,
    "firmware": 0,
    "engine_version": 2,
    "aldb_status": 4,
    "aldb": {
      "255": {
        "memory": 255,
        "in_use": true,
        "controller": true,
        "high_water_mark": false,
        "bit5": true,
        "bit4": false,
        "group": 3,
        "target": "46f9c7",
        "data1": 3,
        "data2": 51,
        "data3": 165

So mine says controller: true, different group number and some of the data entries are different. Any idea what these entries mean?

It seems to working right now but recently it stopped working. I deleted the override and then added it back in and it started working again.

I think controller has to do with current status of the device. When i have it locked the doors tht section of the json changes to

“8143”: {
“memory”: 8143,
“in_use”: true,
“controller”: true,
“high_water_mark”: false,
“bit5”: true,
“bit4”: false,
“group”: 255,
“target”: “44a22b”,
“data1”: 15,
“data2”: 10,
“data3”: 67

Beyond that no ides …but sounds like you are there

OK. Thanks for all your help!

No problem… I have found the insteon integration to be one of my most useful… Enjoy!!