Ok Google: Who is at the front door!

I have setup when I ask Google Home/Alexa “Who is at the front door”.
It turns on my living room TV and then shows me my front door camera live stream on it!.
This is similar to Google Nest Cam.

I am using Harmony hub, Chromecast device and a camera.
Here is the scripts.yaml:

  monitor_porch_livingroom: # Name of the script whatever you want, you can customize so Google/Alexa knows
      - service: remote.turn_on # call harmony service
        entity_id: remote.livingroom # Your harmony hub 
          activity: 12345678 # Your harmony hub activity id from harmony*.conf file, from HA root folder
      - service: media_player.play_media # call media player service
        entity_id: media_player.living_room # Your google cast TV/ chromecast
          media_content_id: # your camera feed, this is blueiris
          media_content_type: image/jpg

And here is the customize.yaml:

    friendly_name: Who is at the front door
    emulated_hue_hidden: false



Nice idea! However, what if the chromecast is playing something at that moment (e.g. Netflix)? Can you pause the movie and continue after the stream ends?

No, I don’t have solution for that yet. Once stream ends it never goes back to what it was playing earlier.

What you can do is add a delay of e.g. 1 minute in you script (let’s say -delay: “00:00:59”) so it will close the stream. It will not pause the media but will continue to play after the camera stream stopped.

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I will try this out, thank!