Okofen boiler integration

Hello community! first, sorry for my english !!
I have a boiler okofen, I am currently using okovision to track the consumption and the sensors of the boiler. I would like to replace okovision by home-assistant.

the data are stored in csv files on the boiler.
there is 1 csv file per day, 1 line per minute

I am completely lost in the way of transmitting the information to home assistant.

I thought to recover the csv every hour via wget and then use the csvdiff command to reveal the last recorded data. the extracted data is stored in a json file. but after I do not know what to do.

how can I integrate them? Is there another method?

Thanks for your help !

Anybody know how I can integrate csv file in home-assitant?

you’ll need to create a custom component for this to work probably. What does the csv file look like? Can the csv file be purged? Does the device communicate in other ways?

my csv is stored in github
the csv file is removed after 5 days on the
I use actually okovision, i want create the same charts in my home assitant without php nor mysql used in okovision
my boiler communicate via modbus but with this methode, the boiler automation is disable.

You should be able to create a custom component that uses that csv file. Just use the last line of the file and perform an update whenever you feel like it. You could monitor changes to the file and update when a new line is added.

Those charts are complex, you’ll be able to make an xy plot. But an xy plot with vertical bars would also be very custom and would require it’s own component.

Any news on Okofen boiler integration into Home Assistant? I’m very interested on it.

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Me too … :slight_smile:

I’m controlling my Okofen boiler using Modbus and NodeRed, is the best way I’ve found so far.
Most of it are reading values, setting it off, daytime and night-time temperature, schedule, and rise or low the temperature settings

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Could you share more details on the modbus and nodered implementations you have done for this ?

For my usage, which is simply reading the values regularly, there is no need of an okofen integration.
I integrated it in less than an hour by following the procedure given here : GitHub - dominikamann/HomeAssistant-Oekofen-Pellematic-REST-Template: A template how to integrate a Ă–kofen Pellematic Compact via JSON Interface to Home Assistant which is based on the homeassistant REST integration and the standard simple okofen REST API available on the ip adresse of the boiler.

After watching a youtube video on how to get modbus readings from a solar inverter I decided to try to get the modbus readings from the boiler and also get to write the registers to set the boiler to comfort or setback temperatures, schedule mode or turn it off.
Here is a list of the modbus registers https://www.oekofen.com/assets/download/Deutsch_ADD/Energiemanagment/Modbus_V2_206_home_automation.pdf

I use modbus read-nodes, buffer-parser nodes, a change node and entity nodes for the readings. Button nodes, function nodes and modbus flex write to set the diferent modes and the trigger state nodes to change the temperature settings.

I can’t remember now all the steps and settings but I can share the flows and a longer explanation if you or someone else is interested.

This is how i use it. The second row are buttons, touching the “confort” one changes the mode to confort, and the boiler starts up.

Hi all ! thanks for your replies.
I remake my HASS soon, so, I want to test this different solutions !

Hello all,

I created an Ă–koFEN integration for HomeAssistant.

If you want you can take a look here GitHub - ckarrie/homeassistant-oekofen: Oekofen HomeAssistant integration (should be HACS compatible). If you have problems, suggestions or critics just leave me an Issue at github.

For installation just add the repository to your HACS and add “Oekofen Integration” afterwards.

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This is really nice! Thank you. Never used home assistant but it looks like a better idea than my custom Python script running.
Do you take the whole json from the api and save the entries or are you filtering based on your needs?

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I take the whole json (the “/all?”) but I plan to make that configuarble

1 Like

I am interested in your nodered configuration, can you export and share it?

Sure, the whole flow is too long for a single post so I made three flows out of it.

        "id": "f12cf006c1b75eb4",
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in fact modbus is not needed to set values, you also can do it with JSON
here’s an exemple :


with the rest_command settings call differents urls, you can set almost any settings you need and use them in automation

thanks to Wallabeng : Toggleable circuit states · dominikamann/oekofen-pellematic-compact · Discussion #28 · GitHub