I have a problem where charts created with Apexcharts seem to somehow “reset” the accumulated data every now and then. The sensors for the chart data have not been changed, and I can still find the collected values using InfluxDB, so the data is still there. It’s just that the charts appear to lose it somehow after some time.
Pic 1 shows some relevant charts, the most recent data disappearance happened January 19th. Take for example sensor “daily.energy” on the left chart. Pic 2 shows that InfluxDB has data for sensor daily.energy, but in the frontend charts daily.energy shows empty before January 19th.
I’m not sure if this happens in the other charts because the values they display are dependent on daily.enegy value, or if it’s the same issue of vanishing data with these calculated sensors. They can all be seen in InfluxDB in any case, so the data hasn’t actually disappeared for them either.
I’d greatly appreciate any input on where should I try to start troubleshooting this. I tried creating a new simple ha basic chart with the same sensor (pic 1, lower right corner), and that chart shows values earlier than Jan 19th. So perhaps it’s a problem with Apexcharts, and not HA frontend itself?