Old Google device showing in device list

I had to remove a Google display from the Home app. I readded it to the Home app. Now there are 2 displays listed in Home Assistant Device list. I found a reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/9ttvku/remove_oldduplicate_entity/) that mentioned removing it from /config/.storage/core.entity_registry. I did this and in the entities list it shows one display. Though there are still 2 in the device list. I did find this in the Home Assistant forums:
Currently only way to refresh is go to Google Assistant app and unlink. Then link again. That was from 2017. Is that still the case?

Anyone know how to remove the extra display in the list?

Big thanks in advance.

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You will also need to remove it from:


I have found no other nice way of doing this

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Over time Google Play will keep adding devices you use with your Google account to the Play Store device list. Many of these are not relevant (because you sold the device or just borrowed someone else’s for a while). Here’s how to tidy up your Google Play Store device list.

Thank you both. I will try deleting it from the core.device_registry tonight. @Trantow I don’t see anything on how to tidy up the Google Play Store device list. Unless deleting it from the core.device_registry is that information.