OLD Home Assistant Component

You need to install this component to get full functionality in the iOS app. Instructions and example configurations are on the page.

Home Assistant iOS companion component.

Will update this post whenever the component is updated.

Updated the documentation for push notification content.

(This is old, forgot to update it)

  • The health check has been removed (you can implement this on your own with automations)
  • The default value for push_categories is now [] so you no longer need to specify categories.
  • Updated the configuration.yaml to add the new iOS 10 text input keys and mark the parameters dictionary as iOS 9 only.
  • Added a new file showing example automations to use the new notification enhancements (map and attachment support)

I’m running HASS on an RPi using the all in one installer, and I cannot get these components to load.

I’ve put the files in:


The Home Assistant service is running using the user ‘hass’ with the config directory -c /home/hass

But when I validate the configs with the ios: component loaded, or attempt to run Home Assistant, it says:

16-10-22 17:32:21 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component ios
16-10-22 17:32:23 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component notify.ios
16-10-22 17:32:23 homeassistant.bootstrap: Unable to find platform notify.ios

Any advice?

Please upgrade to 0.31 and remove the custom components.