Old Hue bulbs are unremovable from HA

I’m currently setting up my own ZigBee network to connect sensors etc. using a ConBee II with deCONZ.
In order to get more ZigBee routers I’m moving my Hue bulbs over to deCONZ and trying to give them the same entity IDs as they had before. However I’ve reset a number of bulbs, integrated them into deCONZ and removed them from the Hue Hub / UI…but they’re still in Home Assistant and I cannot remove them :-1:
I cannot select them to remove and when I select them I’m given the error “ This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI.”

(for clarification, the unselected light is the one I’m having the issue with)

What am I missing here?!

I’ve found the error this morning - It turns out that the rooms (groups) still existed in Hue and HA was obviously still pulling them through. I had it in my head that Hue removed the rooms automatically if they were empty and I didn’t even check to make sure :man_facepalming: