Old phone/tablet as IHD replacement - battery maintenance?

I’m about to start fiddling with old phones and tablets to make an IHD energy monitor and likely controls for some rooms too. I know there are guides for the software but does anybody have any experience / opinion regarding mattery maintenance?

ie, should I just plug them in and not care as they’re going to be powered all the time, the battery doesnt matter… or
is it worth powering via some switch to cycle battery more considerately?

I use Tasker app because I set mine up before I started experimenting with Home Assistant but I believe you can use the battery sensor in the Home Assistant companion app as a trigger to turn on/off a smart plug that the charger is plugged in to.

I use the Compsnion App Battery Level to trigger an automation to turn on off a smart plug. Currently I have an old phone in every room giving clock and temperatures. Also used as an iBeacon for room presence.

Before using the smart plugs the batteries would puff after awhile.

Hi Ian Rhodes,

Ya, you need to manage the battery or they won’t last long. My S22 Samsung battery saver mode cycles the battery between 20% and 80%. If it’s good enough for them, I suggest the same for you.