OLED 1306 128x64 error validating

Nope, something is wrong… I am trying to install an OLED 0.96. I can validate but I can’t install, I am getting this error:
ERROR Could not load truetype file /config/fonts/arial.ttf: unknown file format


Althought, i am running HA latest version on VirtualBox, which mean the python pillow package is already installed.

here is the code

  - file: "/config/fonts/arial.ttf"
    id: font1
    size: 9
  - file: "/config/fonts/arial.ttf"
    id: font2
    size: 12

    sda: D2
    scl: D1

  - platform: ssd1306_i2c
    model: "SSD1306 128x64"
    reset_pin: D0
    address: 0x3C
    lambda: |-
      it.print(0, 0, id(font1), "Wasserentrhärter");

I tried different setup. If I put the arial.tiff dans /config/esphome I can’t validate, I get this error: Could not find file ‘/config/esphome/arial.ttf’. Please make sure it exists (full path: /config/esphome/arial.ttf).

Thank you in advance.

Where do you have the fonts ?? The fonts are expected to be in /config/esphome/ but can be in a folder under that.

My sensors with displays have the fonts in /config/esphome/fonts/ and the yaml looks like:

  - file: 'fonts/slkscr.ttf'
    id: font1
    size: 8

  - file: 'fonts/bebas-neue-regular.ttf'
    id: font2
    size: 48

  - file: 'fonts/arial.ttf'
    id: font3
    size: 14

The fonts section of the yaml you posted is pointing to /config/fonts/ which would be a path of /config/esphome/config/fonts/

If I put the fonts file in /config/esphome/ , I can validate but when I try to download the file to install, I get this error: ERROR Could not load truetype file /config/esphome/arial.ttf: unknown file format

If I put the fonts in the /config/esphome/fonts/, I get this error: ERROR Could not load truetype file /config/esphome/fonts/arial.ttf: unknown file format

I got the file from #PHP-Boleto-ZF2/arial.ttf at 35a1c1431d7daf507b31b84acab64ea686591df7 · JotJunior/PHP-Boleto-ZF2 · GitHub
