On 2022.11.1 Picture Entities are Not Full Screen

I updated last night and things went well on the update. Today I noticed that all my picture entities that I’m using for my 3d printer cameras / security cameras are a small window by default. To full screen them I have to click on the title of the entity to full screen.

This is what happens by default:

Any way to get the default full screen view back?


Noticed that too… pretty annoying.

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I noticed as well.
All my Zoneminder cameras before the update I would click on the image and I would get an expanded view. Now I click on a image and its the same size as the main view image.

Browsed the github frontend issues. Found a few mention issues about picture entities in general and one that seems to be related to the issue I have.

not sure it is related but watching the issue tracker for now.

Edit 2: Found out the expand function was move to clicking on the title text name. I knew searching on the issue tracker would turn up some good info.

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So… no way to get back the full screen ?

It just move to a different click location.

  1. click the image to pop it out of the frame.

  2. click the header title text to expand the image.



One more click to get the same thing as before ? …

I can see the benefit in some instances but would be nice to have the option to choose which default open you want. As in these are mini-view and those are full-view.

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Yes it could be a good compromise.

I just found out about this… very annoying. I set up a mpeg camera and I wish it had the “fullscreen” icon to maximize the video

Same for me, it’s an incomprehensible choice…

Is it possible to configure the Tap Action of the picture entity to show a fullscreen pop-up rather than having to click on the header title?