I updated last night and things went well on the update. Today I noticed that all my picture entities that I’m using for my 3d printer cameras / security cameras are a small window by default. To full screen them I have to click on the title of the entity to full screen.
I noticed as well.
All my Zoneminder cameras before the update I would click on the image and I would get an expanded view. Now I click on a image and its the same size as the main view image.
Browsed the github frontend issues. Found a few mention issues about picture entities in general and one that seems to be related to the issue I have.
not sure it is related but watching the issue tracker for now.
Edit 2: Found out the expand function was move to clicking on the title text name. I knew searching on the issue tracker would turn up some good info.
I can see the benefit in some instances but would be nice to have the option to choose which default open you want. As in these are mini-view and those are full-view.