On device media player volume control with rotary encoder

Hi. I was wandering what is the easiest and most reliable way of changing media players volume using rotary encoder. I have found some code but it was dobe trough ha and I wish my media player was standalone. Oh and the media_player.volume_us has to big increments. Any ideas or alredy working solution? Thank you

I use a Hue Tap Switch Mini Black connected via Z2M and simple Automations to increase/decrease volume. Not sure if that helps your situation.

I was thinking of the same solution but i prefer for it to contained in the device if poss. The same problem persist tho. Increments of 10%. Thank you

I use the Trigger "dial_rotate_left_fast" action vs the step action.

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The esphome media player component had a volume up and volume down actions. Combine that with the rotary encoder component.