On Energy dashboard add value to generated solar

In addition to the cost of electric and recovered value of sending power to grid. It would be nice to see the savings of the electric that was not purchased because it came from solar.

For example by house consumed 53kWh of power today, but I generated 45 kWh. In the energy dashboard I can see that my cost of the 9kWh from the electric company, and the value of the send to grid. But there is no value assigned to the 45kWh I generated

I like the idea of this but I wonder if it is something that should be part of the main dashboard.

I believe it should be possible to quite quickly determine this value using the available data and then show it with a custom card or similar.

The field is there. It just needs the calculated data added

I asked if this was possible at the same time as you but didn’t realise there was a specific feature request topic. Voted.

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I think it is here in the code:

the different is this part:

    # Used to generate costs if stat_compensation is set to None
    entity_energy_to: str | None  # entity_id of an energy meter (kWh), entity_id of the energy meter for stat_energy_to
    entity_energy_price: str | None  # entity_id of an entity providing price ($/kWh)
    number_energy_price: float | None  # Price for energy ($/kWh)

Who wants to try it. If it works it probably will mess up the total. :relaxed:

I am really hoping for this. Maybe there is a way to implement it as a template sensor manually for now? But that is way outside my programming skills.