[On Hold] Deprecating Home Assistant Supervised on generic Linux

It doesn’t support addons…

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Ah you didn’t specify. “standalone Home Assistant” usually means just the Core no frills.

Install Debian 10 and a supervised install on top.

Ok thanks for the reply, but is it an “official supported installation”? Don’t want a communauty supported installation. Or I’m wrong and didn’t found the rights instructions.

According to ADR-0014, a supervised install on Debian 10 is the only official supported supervised install.


great great great. I’m a little frustrated for all my attempts to have a stable Home assistant. Rasp. pi is clearly not enouht and all my virtualizations came to an issue. Will try this as my last chance with this open source system.

Finally seems too complicated for the user i’m.thanks again!

The error in red will disappear if you fix the logging in docker… a new requirement but I don’t see that error anymore in my supervised install.
I believe they are still working on the docs for this method but the github page is there and working. I think the community guide for Debian shows you how to fix the error. If not ask and I will post instructions when I am at my computer.


This is an ongoing issue, not just around this topic.

Is it not simple enough for someone to make a quick blog post explaining that, “as of update 0.114.1 you may see a message saying your system is unsupported, this is due to changes made in ADR14 available (insert link) here. This will not break your installation, etc, etc” ?

Simple posts like that would take an insignificant amount of time to post and would allay many questions, and stop many new and unnecessary threads being started.


I agree with you. Unfortunately I’m not involved in the making of these decisions/posts and have expressed the need for increased communication (as the other mods have too).

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It seems to be a reoccurring theme that;

  • a change is made and there is no communication about it
  • the forums light up with posts and comments
  • mods and admins spend more time reacting and replying to those comments than if some communication was made before hand.
  • rinse and repeat

I hope eventually the feedback is taken on board.


Yes, but that ADR was finalized 2 months ago and since then there has been nothing put in the documentation. I am answering a question on the facebook group almost every day from people who don’t know if they can run supervised on standard Linux distros or correcting people telling people to install it on Ubuntu or Synology.

At a minimum, there should be a stub in the documentation for “coming soon”…

I am sitting on Supervised on Ubuntu and honestly have no idea if I’m on a supported platform or not ATM. I’d like to migrate to an officially supported supervised installation, but don’t know what that is or when it will come.

Ubuntu not supported. Debian is.
You can check github here… GitHub - home-assistant/supervised-installer: Installer for a generic Linux system
They sure don’t make it easy to find it though.


Unfortunately, there’s never any way to ever be confident of that. We’ve seen that statement made and then violated many times before.

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I believe this is just the old installer docs (the one I used when I first installed my system). My understanding is that they intentionally took these down in order to replace them with the new ones.

And it was never really made clear that Ubuntu was now officially unsupported, only that they had made the architectural decision to move away from it: Of course the responsible thing to do at that point is to define what the migration path is (Ie put up the new installer docs, which is really all I’m asking for).

They are the new docs recently edited ones not the original ones and they are very clear about the supported O/S - check the requirements link there.
They will have new docs on the website as well however right now the link above is all there is.

Okay fair enough. And what about the new installer mentioned by @frenck ? Are we still waiting for that or is that what’s used by this installation instructions?

It doesn’t make me comfortable that it’s not linked from the installation page, it gives me the impression that it’s not actually ready.

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That’s the thing, nothing was changed other than an error message buried in logs and red text with a link. The announcement was made months ago what supervised was. Would it have been any better if in the release notes it said “red text now in logs about supervised”? I find it absurd that everyone thinks that this was done with malicious intent.


So, in other words, something was changed.

Yes, exactly, that is what should have been done. How do you not see that communication is important? It baffles me that this is even a discussion.

If you make a change that is going to cause people to freak out seeing error messages in red text, communicate it. It’s really not hard to do.

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Well I do agree with that…

Maybe not malicious but when it’s coupled with removing all links to supervised on the main site it’s hardly surprising people are suspicious.

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