I’ve searched the documentation but can see any good reason why this sensor works fine as an ordinary sensor, but throws an error when configured as a binary sensor. The state is only off/on so should work as binary sensor. Only thing I can think off is whether the xml → json conversion does not happen for binary sensor?
- platform: rest
resource: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/media/18627/termdates-2021-2023.xml
name: is_school_day
value_template: >
{% set today = now().replace(tzinfo=None) %}
{% set ns = namespace(isIn=(now().weekday()>4)) %}
{% for schoolYear in value_json.TermDates.SchoolYear -%}
{% for holiday in schoolYear.Holiday -%}
{% set startDate = strptime(holiday['@startDate'], '%Y-%m-%d') %}
{% set endDate = strptime(holiday['@endDate'], '%Y-%m-%d') %}
{% set ns.isIn = ns.isIn or (today >= startDate and today <= endDate) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
{% if ns.isIn %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
scan_interval: 3600
When configured as binary sensor I get exception:
Template variable error: 'value_json' is undefined when rendering