One Display/Tablet to Monitor 3 Systems

Hi everyone,

I have been reading here for quite a while and got some very valuable input for setting up my own system. There is one challenge I can‘t quite come up whith a solution and hope for your input. To make it short - I would like to use one single display/tablet to steer and monitor 3 systems - 1) homeassisstant via the fully kiosk browser, 2) an alarm system (e.g. ring alarm) and 3) a video doorbell (inkl. connection to doorlock).
Did someone set up a system like this? Which devices are you using (doorbell, display/Tablett, alarmsystem)? How did you set it up?

What is important for me is that the system is working „stable“ e.g. when someone is ringing the doorbell a ringing sound is audible and the display would show the video from the doorbell to talk to the person outside and open the door. If you just turn on the display homeassisstant would be visible with an Option to switch to the e.g. Ring app.

I hope you are having some hints and input how I could approach that.

Thank you

Hi Sebastian, welcome to the forum!

A tablet could work well IF you keep everything in HA, meaning all of your 3 systems.
The advantage of a tablet is the mic, cam and speakers.
When using different apps, you might face the problem that one of those apps that is in the background might not respond the way you like.
Another thing is the OS of a tablet, the store, updates, …

Another option is a RPi with touchdisplay (but RPi’s are hard to get ATM) where you have more control over the OS and you are not confronted with the downsides of a mobile OS.

It comes down to personal preferences.

Hi Thank you for the quick answer. Which doorbell would you recommend? Is it really possible to integrate a doorbell in HA in a way that a „window“ with the cameravideo opens when someone is pushing the bell and with a Button to Open the doorlock?

Thank you.

It all depends on what you want/can regarding connection and power options.

Yes, it can be done: if the doorbell can communicate with HA there are standard options in HA to have that window and unlock a door (if that doorlock can communicate with HA)
I have done this.

Just do a search on doorbells here in the forum.

Great. Which doorbell are you using?

It’s a Dahua VTO3211D.
It was installed before getting into home automation so don’t know if this is a good/the best choice for using with HA.
For this one, you need a custom integration and there is no work being done anymore on it.
It works now but you never know how this will evolve.

I would advise you to read as much as possible about integrating doorbells in HA.