One Nanoleaf works on HA Matter, one doesn't

Hi folks, I am hoping that someone could take a look at these log entries and help me diagnose.

I have two matching Nanoleaf lightstrips (51E) and I had them both working on HA and Homekit via Matter. Life was good. I was making some changes to one and removed it from HA, factory reset it, and added it back to Nanoleaf App+Homekit. For the life of me, I cannot get it re-added to HA! Running latest firmware (3.6.173).

I have it working great in Apple Home and can see it advertising on the Thread network. I follow the instructions to setup Pairing Mode in Apple Home, copy the commission code, switch to HA, add device, add Matter device, already in use, and then choose Apple Home. I paste in the commission code, and then the commissioning starts. It gives up about a minute later as indicated in the log file below.

I would appreciate any suggestions on what may be happening here. Thank you.

2024-05-27 12:59:43.881 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Discovered commissionable Matter node: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=5540, weight=0, priority=0, server='FE49ADFADA353691.local.', properties={b'VP': b'4442+68', b'SII': b'800', b'SAI': b'800', b'SAT': b'4000', b'T': b'0', b'D': b'1431', b'CM': b'2', b'RI': b'25004428916DD94BEC0E2C8C252DCFAB8E4B', b'PH': b'36', b'PI': None}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 12:59:45.760 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.device_controller] Starting Matter commissioning with code using Node ID 30 (attempt 1/3).
2024-05-27 12:59:45.772 (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_1) DEBUG [] Saved data to persistent storage
2024-05-27 12:59:55.956 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.EM] Failed to Send CHIP MessageCounter:220297824 on exchange 63864i with Node: <0000000000000000, 0> sendCount: 4 max retries: 4
2024-05-27 12:59:58.427 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.device_controller] Starting Matter commissioning with code using Node ID 30 (attempt 2/3).
2024-05-27 12:59:59.043 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.SC] PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33
2024-05-27 13:00:09.366 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.EM] Failed to Send CHIP MessageCounter:220297825 on exchange 63873i with Node: <0000000000000000, 0> sendCount: 4 max retries: 4
2024-05-27 13:00:12.318 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.SC] PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33
2024-05-27 13:00:23.959 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:24.756 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:25.942 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:26.770 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:27.957 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:28.428 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.device_controller] Starting Matter commissioning with code using Node ID 30 (attempt 3/3).
2024-05-27 13:00:28.756 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:29.689 (MainThread) DEBUG [matter_server.server.device_controller.mdns] Commissionable Matter node disappeared: AsyncServiceInfo(type='_matterc._udp.local.', name='00D9F2F3CC4ACED3._matterc._udp.local.', addresses=[], port=None, weight=0, priority=0, server=None, properties={}, interface_index=None)
2024-05-27 13:00:39.091 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.EM] Failed to Send CHIP MessageCounter:220297826 on exchange 63882i with Node: <0000000000000000, 0> sendCount: 4 max retries: 4
2024-05-27 13:00:41.781 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.SC] PASESession timed out while waiting for a response from the peer. Expected message type was 33

A post got me thinking about state, which reminded me to check core.entity_registry and sure enough, there was still an entry from the device in question. I shut down HA, removed the entry, restarted HA and was immediately able to pair.

The entity in HA Core should not really be relevant for pairing. Did you shutdown the addon as well? Maybe the device or Thread Border Router was in a weird state, commissioning times out after a while, this might have influenced behavior of future attempts.

I’m willing to believe anything at this point. Before posting, I had gone through multiple permutations of addon restart, addon re-install, HA core reboots, and on and on. I don’t know enough to know if the core entity had an impact directly, or whether it was just the thing I touched last before having success. /shrug