One node with two nodeid


I use a Pi3 with Razberry-card and the problem is that one node a Fibaro motion sensor has got two nodeid in the system. I had some problem to connect it because of bad battery and to many attempt to connect it with pushing the button to many times.

After new battery it’s connected with nodeid:13 but the old id:10 is stil there,

I have tried to delete the node in the zwcfg_xxxx.xml file, run services as remove_failed_node, remove_node with out any results.

Any suggestions on how to fix it?

You’ll have to wait for it to be flagged as failed. Until then (as mentioned in the documentation) you can’t use Remove Failed Node.

In the short term you could flag all the individual entities to be Excluded from Home Assistant, by selecting them under Entities of this node and applying that option.

I’m new on this so i have some questions on this.

I can’t find in the documentation when i node will be flagged as failed, is it based on time, number of attempt to connect.

Where will I find this “In the short term you could flag all the individual entities to be Excluded from Home Assistant, by selecting them under Entities of this node and applying that option.”

That’s handled by OpenZWave, their documentation on it is here. Unfortunately it’s partly handled by the controller, which varies by brand to brand and has no documentation at all.

Please see the link I posted, to the documentation on the Z-Wave control panel.