One Tasmota on 2 or more "areas"

Hi, I love tinkering with HA, tasmota and different sensors.

On my previous home setup/installs (done 3 so far) I placed one tasmota/ESP8266 per location, ie one in the bathroom, one in main room, one in kids room, etc. Some of these tasmotas only had one button and one relay attached.

This last setup I wanted to “cut down” on number of wifi connections, so I used less tasmotas and more cable. For example, with one tasmota I an controlling 2 lights on the backyard, and 1 light and exhaust fan in a half bathroom.

On my mqtt integration I do see the tasmota, and I was able to switch the lights to lights, and the fan to fan. I was hoping I could assign an “area” to each device, but unless I am doing something wrong, it seems ALL the devices on one tasmota have to be assigned to the same area.

if I open the bathroom fan device, and chage the area to “half bathroom”, the two lights I had configured for the back yard switch to half bathroom.

Has anyone else ran into this issue? is there a work around?