One thermostat MH7H stopped reporting temperature and humidity, other functions still work

Hi there,

I have 4 room thermostats with sensors for air temperature and humidity.

The device in “Bedroom” stopped reporting temperature and humidity on February 1, 2024. The temperature displayed on thermostat display is still updated and correct. Other 3 devices continue to report values as expected. All have the same firmware.

The debug log of Z-Wave JS shows errors (for node 002 Bedroom), while node 004 is okay:

2024-08-06T19:29:42.339Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unsupported sensor type Air temperature or corrupted data)
2024-08-06T19:29:42.359Z DRIVER   dropping CC with invalid values (Reason: Unsupported sensor type Humidity or corrupted data)
... cut on purpose ...
024-08-06 21:57:17.389 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 004] Metadata updated: 49-0-Air temperature
2024-08-06 21:57:17.391 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 004] Value updated: 49-0-Air temperature 22.8 => 22.8
2024-08-06 21:57:17.407 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 004] Metadata updated: 49-0-Humidity
2024-08-06 21:57:17.410 INFO Z-WAVE: [Node 004] Value updated: 49-0-Humidity 40 => 40

In Debug info, I can see that the last update for node 002 is indeed on February the 1st 2024:

"stateless": false,
      "commandClassVersion": 5,
      "unit": "°C",
      "list": false,
      "value": 20.9,
      "lastUpdate": 1706777740221,
      "newValue": 20.9

The virtual machine with hassio has been restarted several times during updates already.

I have tried to set priority routes via other repeaters (My Z-Wave network is quite small: Controller ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5, 4 thermostats MH7H, 11 roller shutters FGR223, 1 wall plug FGWP102 and 1 thermostatic valve Spirit), but this did not help.

Other functions of the Bedroom device (node 002) still work - setting the target heating temperature, changing the heating mode (off/heat).

The health check does not show any issue. Rebuilding routes completed successfully, yet no change.

What can be done to furher investigate & resolve the problem with he temperature and humidity sensors device?

Have you tried to re-interview the node? I’ve found that to be helpful when nothing else works. You could also remove and re-add it, although the re-interview really should do the same thing for the most part.

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Thank you! Re interview did solve the problem.

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